By Nayeli
I don't have a nickname but if I did I would like it to be Ellie. I would like my nickname to be Ellie because my name ends with a sound that sounds exactly like Ellie. I thought of this idea when I was looking at zoo diaries with my science teacher and an elephant showed up I thought a good name for the elephant would be Ellie I looked down at my paper and spotted my name I had that elephant name in my name. I hadn't noticed that before so I decided to tell my friend. I told her and she said she would call me Ellie. So far nobody has called me Ellie because nobody knows about it. I like this nickname but I would rather be called by my real name.
When I was very small my sister was just barely talking. She couldn't say my name so she called me nana. Later on when my cousins came over they started calling me banana. They would sing a song about bananas and it would get me annoyed. After that I made up some nicknames for them. They didn't like me doing that so they stopped calling me banana and I stopped. We never mentioned it again and we got along very well. I am very glad to have people say my real name and I hope this will last because everybody has nicknames but I like my real name.