Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Nickname

By Nayeli

I don't have a nickname but if I did I would like it to be Ellie. I would like my nickname to be Ellie because my name ends with a sound that sounds exactly like Ellie. I thought of this idea when I was looking at zoo diaries with my science teacher and an elephant showed up I thought a good name for the elephant would be Ellie I looked down at my paper and spotted my name I had that elephant name in my name. I hadn't noticed that before so I decided to tell my friend. I told her and she said she would call me Ellie. So far nobody has called me Ellie because nobody knows about it. I like this nickname but I would rather be called by my real name.

When I was very small my sister was just barely talking. She couldn't say my name so she called me nana. Later on when my cousins came over they started calling me banana. They would sing a song about bananas and it would get me annoyed. After that I made up some nicknames for them. They didn't like me doing that so they stopped calling me banana and I stopped. We never mentioned it again and we got along very well. I am very glad to have people say my real name and I hope this will last because everybody has nicknames but I like my real name.


By Abby

I have many nicknames that my friends have given me over the years. Ones such as Abby, Hank, Fred Marachen, EBay, and LOMLF (Love of my life forever). I get called by one occasionally but the majority of the time everyone just calls me Abby. My very favorite one of all of those is Fred Marachen. This is my favorite one because it was the funniest one of all that occurred at a time. The way I got this nickname is, one night I was spending the night at Maureen's house, and we prank called Ryan. I was the one talking and I had to make up a name for myself so I chose Fred Marachen. People ask me why I chose Fred Marachen. Every time they ask I tell them, we were eating Maruchan cup of noodle soup and I looked at the cup and figured that would be a good last name.


The other ways I got my other nicknames are very odd. When I got the nickname Hank it was because someone made up horse names for us all and mine was Hank. The one EBay was made up because they said it sounded somewhat like my name. The very last one, LOMLF, was made by one of my very best friends about two years ago. Ever since then we call each other LOMLF, and my nickname Abby is used ever day. That is what all of my family calls me and most of my friends. All of these nicknames are great but the one that is the funniest and my favorite is Fred Marachen.


By Scotty

When I was In 3rd-5th grade people used to call me by a nickname that I really liked and that nickname was Scooter and I had another and that was dotty but I didn't really like that nickname. My teacher will sometimes call me and my class mates Fred an I really like that nickname because it is really funny. And I really liked to be called by nicknames.

I really liked my nicknames because there was nothing wrong with them. They did not mean any harm to me and they were not bad things to be called but I did not really like dotty because that one kind of got out of hand and people started to call me other things that I would not prefer to tell to anybody because I did not enjoy being called that. After everything started off normal again I finally started telling people to "STOP" and I mean "STOP" calling me nicknames. And everybody stopped so I just enjoyed being called by my real name which was SCOTTY.

Robert’s Thoughts…

By Robert

I do not have a nickname right now. I have had nicknames in the past though, Mr. Heist used to call me wilkinsonion. I liked it when he did though. People in the past have called me, bob, rob, and, Bert. These are all nick names people have called me in the past.

     As of the present I don't have a nickname. I do not particularly want one. Many people think a nick name makes them cooler. I think my real name is a nice name so why would I want a new one? I am content with being Robert. I really don't care what people call me , as long as its not offensive.

    So nick names are unnecessary thing's that some people think makes them cooler. I don't really care what people call me.

Gabe’s Nicknames

My nickname is (Xero Damage). Not a lot of people call me that where I live but a lot of people call me that when I go to my brother's house. His friends are my friends and they don't know my name so they call me Xero Damage (Xero is how I spell it). I like it because it sounds cool and sometimes when I'm tired it sounds funny. I also have an account on X-Box live and that's my name. Almost all of my friends say that because they can remember me.

    My second nickname almost everybody calls me…

That is my account name for almost everything like free rider, Facebook, and my email. My aunt always used to call me that and I always laughed when she said it and now she always calls me that. My brother sometimes calls me Gabeybaby and I can notice he's not very comfortable so he calls me little bro. Sometimes my friends call me that like one of my brother's friends. Those are the two nicknames I like the most.



Noah’s Names

By Noah

I've had many nicknames including; No-duh, No…ah, Noah Boa, Short Stuff, Curly Fries, Tall Fat, and Penny.

Noah Boa was my first nickname. I got it when I was in 2nd Grade it was ok when only one person was calling me that, but then everyone was calling me Noah Boa and it got annoying. I started to hate the nickname so much I run around like a crazy man when anybody called me it. The only reason I despised that nickname was because it had no meaning. How would you feel if everywhere you went people called you Noah Boa? I thought that nicknames were supposed to be shorter than your real name.

Talking about making things shorter that reminds me of my second nickname. Short Stuff. Short Stuff was given to me in 3rd Grade. I think it was Abby (one of my friends) who started calling me it and coming from her it was annoying. I realize my entire life if something came from her it would annoy me. Then when other people started calling me Short Stuff it was alright. Abby didn't call me Short Stuff as much after that but lots of other people I knew did rather friends of me or friends of my friends. Finally one day it seemed like everyone forgot it.

Speaking about Abby she gave me my next nickname too which was Penny. I got it last year. I purely hated it. The only reason I hated this is because first of all it sounds like a girl's name. Second of all it came from Abby. This name really only she called me until one of my friends Gabriel started calling me it. Right when he started the nickname stopped.

Then there was No-ah. I'm can't remember when that nickname came in. I'm thinking during the same time Gabe and Abby were calling me Penny, but I'm not sure. This one was ok it wasn't my favorite but it was ok. When people said this they'd say "no" then pause and like they were thinking and say "Ahhh".

Then the one and only nickname I came up with was No-Duh. This nickname was for sure my favorite. I still kind of have this nickname some people call me it. The only reason I liked this on is because I made it up.

Tall Fat I really don't know what to say about this one.

I still have and about two people call me curly fries its just pure annoying.


By Niki

Here are some of the nicknames. That my friends gave me. They are nickelodeon, nick at night, and nickolie. And there are the nicknames that my friends gave me. And actually I like the nicknames that they gave me

And my favorite nickname is nick at night. And my second favorite one is nickelodeon. And my least favorite one is nickolie. but I like them all.

Brad’s Names

By Brad

I have had many nicknames and still have some of them. My favorite nicknames that people still call me are Bradley McPots, Big Poppa, B-rad, and Fat Ass Indian Shaq. Some of these nicknames were made up a while ago and some were made up just recent. I like these nicknames a lot so let me tell you were these nicknames originated. Big Poppa was one of my first nicknames ever. I got this nickname while playing baseball down in Ridgecrest when I was about 8 years old because I was the tallest player out on the field and my division and also every game I would hit at least one homerun. This is the nickname that I remember least of.

Bradley McPots was made up last year during science class. I don't know why I made up this nickname or why I started to say it but after a while people kept calling me this so it has stuck around for along time. "Fat Ass Indian Shaq," that is what one of my teammates started calling me last year during basketball. But then we made up nicknames about each other. Like someone's name was White Kobe and another's was Paul Pierce. So I really liked this nickname except the Fat Ass part otherwise I liked it.

Last but not least B-rad. B-rad was made up this year on the day of the geography bee. I was one of the three that were left standing then Emilio started shouting it and cheering me on then some of his friends joined in. And that is how I got my last nickname.

$ My Nicknames $

By Maryte

I have a lot of nicknames and I like them all becouse they are funny. One of them is LOCA . I got this name from my friend Tusho. It also goes god with me because I am Crazy at my house. But at school I am not that crazy.

Then I got another one called MARTIE. I think I got this one from Brandon. This nickname is funy 4 me.

My 3rd nickname is MARY. My aunt started to call me this name and from there my Familey called me this name. And when they joke with this name they will say hey MARY when are you going to get maried. And 4 me this joke is getting anoying.

My 4th and last nickname (I think). Is lil travyesa . I got this one from my friend. I think it goes god becouse I do a lot of crazy stuf. When they dear me to do something I do it .It is funy when I do stuf.

This are all my nicknames.


By Darik

I have one nickname that I think is a pretty cool one. My nickname is Mclovin. The reason is because when I go to the Pizza Factory I put my name under Mclovin. A lot of the people who work there know me as Mclovin and when I see them around town they say, "What's up Mclovin?" Everyone at the Pizza Factory know me as Mclovin. Before, I went to the Pizza Factory with Ryan. When I ordered my food they said, "What is your name?"

I said, "Mclovin." While we were waiting for the Pizza Ryan and I were laughing about the name. When the guy called the name out I didn't go get it the first time. The second time I went up and got the pizza. After, we ate the pizza went to the game room. While I was playing the racing game someone came back there and said, "What's up Mclovin?" I just kept playing the game. So now every time when I go to the Pizza Factory they call me "Mclovin."


By Tusho

There are two nick names that I have one of them is tooshort and the other one is puggy.So I am going to tell you how I first got tooshort.

Wheni was about 5 years old this guy his name is alisises he was 18 when he gave it to me. He called me tooshort is because I was really short compare to him so that's why. He died about 4 years ago. He was a really nice person he was always there for me when I needed something that was my home dog.

Then my dad gave me this nick name 3 years ago and that was puggy that's when I was really really fat but now I am trying to get rid of it and so far it is working so those are my nick names I got from.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Army Tough Guy Trampled by Deer

By Scotty

Breaking news there is a man out in the woods but we don't know what he is doing it seems to me that he is being trampled by a deer. We are all hoping that he will be ok, but now the worst thing is just happening write now , there is a grizzly bear helping the deer but why isn't the bear eating or attacking the deer.

I think there is something really wrong here because the bear and deer are like friends, I wonder if the tragic horror will stop. This nonsense has gone on too long I'm going out there to help that poor man I'm going to get my hunting gear.

Here I am with my 12-gage shotgun to go and find that poor man because If I don't help him he will be ripped to shreds. Ether I will put the animals out of their misery or I will have to put the man down and carry on.


Valentine’s Card Never Arrived

By Tusho

So tomorrow will be Valentine's Day and I really like this guy in my class and I was thinking that I should send him a valentine's card. So I was working on a valentine's card and what I was going to say but then, I had to find out what was his p.o box. Then I called up my friend since she really good friends with him. I called her and she gave the p.o box and the whole time I was nerves.

After, I got done with her and I was off the phone I stared making the card and I did so many so I can choose which one that I can send to him. The I was done doing all that I was try to think of a poem that I can put in the card after I was done with all those I was happy cause I got everything done but what was the hard thing was which one was I going to give him. So I found this nice and I found which poem and then I went to go and get an envelope so I could out the card in it.

Finally, I was done with everything and I was ready to send the letter I took it to the mail box. I was so excited for 4him to see and I was hoping he was going to like it. Then on Monday I asked if he ever got my my valentine card that I made for him and he s aid no I was so made cause he didn't even get it after that I spend time working on that I was so mad. So I went home and screamed in my pillow and I went to bed.

A Movie Production?

By Abby

Her laughter broke the silence. She was standing atop of the bookcase in a superhero stance. She looked around the room at all of her victims. "Nobody moves…or else…" She said in a little squeaky voice. Everybody laughed at how little her voice was compared to how big she looked. Her voice sounded as if it was a little 5 year old girl's voice. Even though her voice was little she was tough. After telling everyone not to move she jumped down from the bookcase onto the ground. Everybody gasped at how short she really was. She looked like her head was only 3 feet from the ground and like a furious midget. The looked on her face scared us all to jumping back a few steps.

    After looking at all of us individually from where she stood she jumped back atop the bookcase. She told everyone, "I am taking you all captive except for those of you who I have chosen to be my minions. Those of you who I am taking captive will come with me right now to my lair." Everybody gasped when she said that because they didn't know who was going with the girl and who was becoming a minion. "I will give you all 5 minutes to say goodbye to your loved ones before I take you, but now I must tell you who the people are becoming my minions," She said slowly. "First you," she said pointing to a guy with gray hair and big glasses, "will not be becoming one of my minions but being captured."

    Everyone who got captured got tied to a pole while the minions went with the girl. Most of the minions were younger people that were between the ages of 5 and 25. All the elders were the ones who got captured and tied to the pole.
    While the minions and the girl were walking out the door of the building all the older kids had to comport the younger kids. Everyone was hysterical and didn't want to be separated from their loved ones, but they had to…or else. Once the girl and her minions were out of the building the girl took off her mask to show that she was just a very little girl.

    After that everyone just walked away to get coffee and donuts. Why, may you be asking that everyone just left? The answer to that question is…this was all a part of a movie. So everyone in the movie theater got up to leave because they thought the movie was boring and stupid now. The part where everyone walked off to get coffee and donuts wasn't supposed to be in the movie, but they had left the camera rolling the whole time. They had accidentally taped everything behind the scenes that was going on and then didn't edit the movie before they put it in theaters.

    As everyone got up to leave they heard laughter in which startled them. They all stopped at the entrance to realize that the villain from the movie had come to get them next…