By Ryan
I think kids should go out to lunch at Lo-Inyo. We need to just go out and hang with friends with no super vision. We need to eat GOOD food!
Open campus would be good for us so we can either go home or go some were to eat. At school I think our food isn't as good as McDonalds or Carl's Jr. We should be able to go in middle school because we are older and more mature. I would like to hang out with friends without our teachers or our principal watching us. All the kids would like to go out that's why I think we should eat outside the campus.
I think our principal doesn't let us go because she thinks we won't come back. She should make up a rule that says if you don't come back, it will count as a tardy and you will get a referral. I think that will be fair and it might teach some people to not do it again. If I was the principal I would only let the 6th, 7th, and 8th go out to lunch because they are older and they have less chances of getting hit by a car or getting in trouble. In other schools it is allowed to go out for lunch that's why we should be able to.
One more reason is the food at our school. It's either something that we don't like or if we go out anything we want. There is many to eat us got: pizza Factory, McDonalds, Carl's Jr and many other restaurants. Some restaurants are Mt Whitney and bonanza and those are the best restaurants in town. They make their foods fast so we can eat there and then go back to school. We shouldn't have to eat the food and be forced to eat the food or we should not eat at all [that's what I do]. Last thing is all the food that we eat at our school is all frozen and all the cooks do is just warm them up. I think the cooks are good it's just the food. That's my last reason that I think we should be able to have an open campus.
Those are all my reasons. So I hope that it will change your mind about letting us go out and eat lunch. That's why I think we should be able to eat and eat GOOD food.