Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Perfect Room

By Nayeli

    If I could design a room in my house I would choose to design the kitchen. I would make the kitchen edible because I think that it would look really nice. Let's get working.

I would make the floor caramel with a glass thing on top of it so the floor would not be sticky. I would not like to have caramel on my shoes every time I go into the kitchen. I would make the refrigerator an ice cream sandwich. The inside would be made out of ice cream and it would have whip cream as a design. The stove would be made out of frosting and graham grackers with jelly beans as the buttons to turn it on and off. That would be delicious.

The sink would be made out of caramel like the floor with a glass thing in the shape of a sink so the dishes won't get sticky. The glass would be clear so you could still see the caramel. The table would be awesome. It would be in the shape of a sandwich. The chairs would be made out of jolly ranchers. It would be covered in glass so it wouldn't be sticky for people to sit on.

The walls would be made of graham crackers with jelly beans on it and frosting to glue it to the wall. The lamp would be a yellow jelly bean it would work as well as a regular one. All of the thing in this room would be edible. It would be so cool. Now there is no need to go to the store and buy candy because a whole room in your house is edible and made out of candy.

I would choose this design for the kitchen because I think it is awesome and it fits in really well. This would be amazing if it was real. I love candy!


  1. I liked your story but i didn't know what you meant when you said glass thing.

  2. I think your essay is very good and very very detailed. The parts about the graham crackers for the stove is a very witty idea. I do think you should have combined some of the sentences to make them compound sentences though. Other than that it was very well written.

  3. You make me hungry!!!!! i think you shold have used a little more commas but I liked it.
