Thursday, October 29, 2009

Noah’s Thoughts on Homework

I've heard about the parent's campaign for less homework and I will tell you my verdict. Even though when you read this letter to the editor you might think I'm just lazy and don't want to do it, but you're wrong. The kids should have a say too even though it may be controversial.

    Some classes do understand about the homework issue like Mr. Heist. He only gives us some spelling words and all we have to do is write our words five times each on Monday, write one good sentence using each word on Tuesdays, Write a story with at least five spelling words on Wednesday, and put the words in ABC (Alphabetical) order on Thursday with nothing on Friday. But then again there are the teachers who don't understand like Mrs. B. Mrs. B. gives out at least twenty problems a day and we have to right the problem, and even if there is an easy problem as in ½ + ½ we have to show how we did it and to be smart I would usually just say I did it with my BRAIN, DUH! But I don't because I'll get in trouble so that's what's crazy about homework.

My position, I don't think, is different from any kid. I think it is important for homework but we don't need that much it is outrageous how much homework we are given. I say we should still have it, but not that much. Come on teachers who give out too much homework, I'm not going to mention any names (MRS.B!) Sorry for that little outburst, but I can't stand homework. Anyways the only thing is that it takes up our life at home and I almost get in an argument every night with my mom about how to do my math homework and then my mom's boyfriend will get mad and leave. Finally I think I speak for everyone when I say way too much homework.

I think my final position is that there is still homework but way less. There should be less because it ruins our lives at home. I think I now have stated my position. Hopefully this might budge the campaign to no homework. So please teachers read this.

I've heard about the parent's campaign for less homework and I have told you my verdict. Even though when you read this letter to the editor you might think I'm just lazy and don't want to do it, but your wrong. The kids should have a say too even though it may be controversial.


  1. this is a good story it has good vocabulary in it to, the one thing i notesed is that ther is a reapeat of MRS.B.MRS.B.

  2. it has good vocabulary ,and a good point, but
    intsed it repeats Mis.B.

  3. noah

    I think that you did a good job but to much homework in your story but I like how you wanted less homework for school.


  4. Noah,

    It was hard to understand some of the big words that you used, but I am impressed that you used them. I am pretty sure you used those big words correctly.

    Great grammar!


  5. Dear Noah,
    I cant understand some of the bigger words and so mabe you could break them down. Altough big words you had good no great detail and great grammar. I also liked your use of words in sentences.


  6. I like the wayyou think. but no offence why do you have math on your blog that stuff makes my head hurt. but good job!!!!

    --Jon H.--

  7. I think you ment write not right.

    I'm with you I think there should be less homework.


  8. I noticed you need to pay attention to punctuation a little more. and the interjections were good, and great grammar! over all great job!!!

  9. this story is very good but long-luis
