Wednesday, June 2, 2010


by Abby

Many people lie on a daily basis, they don’t think that they will get caught in the lie, that’s exactly what happens most of the time too. You think you are going to get away with it and not have to face the consequences of the truth. Really telling the truth will get you in less trouble than lying most of the time.

Everyone lies at least a couple of times in their life, unless they are perfect, which no one is. When you tell one lie it just leads to another lie, which leads to another, to another, to another. In the end…you have surrounded your whole life “making” that one lie true. You have to lie more and more to keep yourself from getting into trouble and revealing the truth. Surrounding your life around a lie…is like getting sentenced to a life in prison. You have no one to help you get out of it, you have to figure out a way to get out of the situation that you got yourself into.

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