Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My room (the real one)

By Robert

My room at home is mess when you first walk in you see a bookcase with all the books falling out onto the floor you have to carefully step around the overturned box and the legos around it you step over the blankets that have fallen on the floor. You go to the closet and open the door and a giant wave of dirty socks and clothing washes over you and the whole room you realize how much you need to clean your room.

But how ever when my room is clean it is a wonderful place. There's all the books you would ever want to read. There's legos and half a dozen other neatly organized boxes of toys aa bed that is a weonderfly soft sanctuary.


  1. I like your story but you have a few misspellings such as: Weonderfly.

  2. Robert I like all the details that you put into this but it could have been better if you would had used spell check to fix all the misspelled words but besides that I think you did a pretty good job - Nayeli

  3. that must be a really messy room if a wave of socks came out of your closet. You had very few spelling mistakes... like 2 or 3


  4. It is a very detailed essay and you did a good job describing how it looks. However, you made a lot of punctuation mistakes and a couple mispellings. In the future just remember to check over your spelling and punctuation. Well done.
