Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tell five things you'd like to do on your next birthday

By Mariana

Well, for my next birthday I would just want to have a $1000.00 dollars and I would go shopping and by lots cool things for me then I would by lots of converses lots of shoes because I love shoes but not us much as pants and shirts then I would go to my favorite store Hollister to by most of my pants because Hollister Is my favorite store in the world and is has lots of cute cool pants and shirts to buy then I would go to a place where there's lots of cars and buy my a back mustang and I would like to go to the Caribbean sea to spend half of my birthday there because I heard that those are the best seas ever then I would like to see new boyz because there's so cute well I think that's it I wanted to do for my birthday and I would go around the world too.


  1. I really agree to that 100,000 dollars and that sounds like sooo much fun buying things


  2. Sounds like a really good plan. I like the topic and how you explained it, but I think that if you used punctuation in bewtween one of those long sentences it would have been better but besides that this story was amazing - Nayeli :)
