Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rules All Around Us

By Abby    

Most schools have a couple of the same rules, and they also have some rules of their own. For example all schools probably require that you don't talk back to the teachers. While maybe only a couple schools require that you wear a uniform everyday.

    Here at our lovely school of Lo-Inyo we do have rules that we have to follow. One of them that is very often broken is to not chew gum at school. Almost everyday in every class someone is chewing gum. Personally I think we should be able to chew gum at school. At least the middle school students should be able to, because most of us should be responsible enough to handle it.

    One rule that should be changed a little bit is the rule about cell phones. I think we should be able to use our cell phones but only at break. We still shouldn't be able to use them during class because that would just distract everyone, but during break it wouldn't do any harm. Another rule that should be changed is the fact that we can't eat in class. Some people might have missed breakfast or don't like the lunch and are hungry during class.

    Rules that we have are here for a reason. They are either there to keep us safe or help us. There are many rules that may not be necessary and should be changed, but there are also the rules that should stay just as they are. Rules such as no hitting, no running, or any rules like that should stay the same. They help protect us to not get hurt, or hurt other people. All the rules we have here are great but there are a couple that should be just be changed a little bit.

    Some schools like the kids to wear uniforms everyday to prevent from breaking the dress code. Basically all schools have the rule to not talk back to teachers in a rude way. Also many schools have the same rules, but some of their very own to suit them.

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